Reviews & Interviews (Fall 2024 - Spring 2025)

Ends on

Aster(ix) is currently seeking unsolicited (book) reviews and interviews to be published online. 

  • Criticism / Reviews are centered around books that are new releases are given publishing and editorial priority so we can support those authors around their new work to be showcased. We are interested in criticism that goes beyond a simple review; we want a conversation that is personal between writer and creator.  We are looking for reviews of recent (within the last 18 months) or forthcoming books or art work by creatives of color, especially of works that may not get as much coverage.
  • Interviews at Aster(ix) are best viewed as conversations, a dialogue that explores something not just about the work, but the artists as human beings. We are especially interested in conversations that explore writing as a craft.
  • We are willing to reprint works of both of the above categories that were published in small print or out-of-print  journals and have not been previously published online.  

Examples of what we're interested in: 


Submission Process and Guidelines: 

  • Submissions are only accepted via Submittable.
  • We are open to PITCHES *or* finished drafts. The submission form will have more details about what to include for both. 
  • Simultaneous submissions are allowed, as long as we are notified immediately if the manuscript is accepted for publication elsewhere.  
  • Translations are welcome and should be accompanied by a copy of the original as well as permission of the original author. 
  • Please submit in either .doc or .docx format.
  • Please include your name and email address in the document of your submission. 
  • We never charge a reading fee for general submissions.  
  • We unfortunately are not able to pay for any work within this call.

What happens next: 

  • Our editorial team will review your draft. Please note that we are a volunteer team, so responses may take a few months (our typical review cycle outside of print issues is about 2 - 3 months). (Note: We are largely on hiatus in the summer (May through August) so submissions sent by then will have an even longer response time.) 
  • We will respond with one of three responses: 1) accepting the piece, 2) or making suggested edits for you to incorporate before our acceptance or rejection, or 3) respectfully pass. We typically do not publish submitted pieces as-is, instead, working carefully with each author on every accepted piece. Editorial processes can take anywhere from 1 - 6 months (shorter for reviews/interviews and poetry, longer for prose). 
  • Please keep an eye on emails from the Aster(ix) Submittable around this piece.

If you have any questions about your submission, please reach out via the message portal on Submittable. 

Thank you!



About Aster(ix)

Aster(ix) is a transnational feminist literary arts journal committed to social justice and translation, placing people of color at the center of the conversation. Founded in 2013 by novelist Angie Cruz and nonfiction writer Adriana E. Ramírez, the journal loves to feature the intimate, the honest, and the beautiful. 

Aster(ix) is a play on asterisk, star, splat, a wildcard. It’s the censored and omitted. It’s footnotes and to be continued. (ix) honors Mayan heart-knowing, the alignment with divine will, the torch bearer. We cast lines between the future and the past, the possible and the impossible.

We encourage you to follow our Instagram @asterixjournal here and sign-up for our newsletter here to stay-in-touch with Aster(ix) and future calls. Read the journal online for free or order in-print at

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.