Asterix Journal

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

We're thrilled you have found your way here.

Submitting to Aster(ix): 

  • We intermittently do Open Calls for Submissions. Please sign up to our newsletter and/or follow us on social media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook) for announcements on submission calls, new publications, partnerships, and more. 
  • Our editors will occasionally solicit pieces for the digital journal. 
  • We do not accept submissions via email; we only accept submissions via Submittable. 

What we are looking for: works that will take part in some of “the best conversations the world has to offer.”  Work that speaks beyond the trends of the current moment, that listens to the past and looks to the future. We are especially interested in work that is unconventional, international, urgent, lyrical, difficult, delicious and of differing aesthetics. In this time of lightning communications we want to read writing that is thoughtful and not necessarily certain. 

The best way to know what kinds of pieces we are likely to accept is to read the journal online or order a copy of an issue. The journal's home page can be found here.

Publishing with Aster(ix):

  • Throughout the year, we publish works online and typically produce two thematic anthologies, both in print and later online. Submissions will be carefully reviewed, but responses may take several months. We are an all volunteer staff. Please do let us know immediately if you have found another venue for your work. 
  • We typically do not publish submitted pieces as-is, instead, working carefully with each author on every accepted piece. Editorial processes typically take 3-6 months at a minimum. 
  • We do accept reprints but you must have retained or regained the rights to your work. 
  • Submittable will allow you to upload your piece, and log in to check on its status at any  time. Cover letters should provide contact information, your bio and state the genre  and title of the submission. Letters should also acknowledge the editor who invited you to submit, if applicable. Feel free to provide any other information you would like us to know about your work.
  • Although we don't pay our writers for pieces published online, we do offer a contributor copy (when budget permits) for works published in print. 
  • When you publish with Aster(ix) you agree to grant us first serial rights. Once your piece is published, rights revert back to you and you can republish it. We just ask you to give Aster(ix) credit.  
Asterix Journal